A Flavourful Green Tea Shot Recipe

The Green Tea Shot is one of the hottest cocktails around, mixing several spirits to create a loud and tasty cocktail. As its name implies, it does not involve green tea at all; it incurred its name from its color and the way it is taken in a shot glass. With its smooth flavor, the Green Tea Shot has been the yearly darling of many bars and parties. 

A Flavourful Green Tea Shot Recipe
Image by Freepik

Green Tea Shot Recipe

To concoct a Green Tea Shot, you will need the following components:
  • 1/2 oz Peach Schnapps 
  • 1/2 oz Jameson Irish Whiskey 
  • 1/2 oz Sour Mix 
To take this delicious shot, do it so with these steps in making it: 
  1. Get Your Ingredients: Be sure to have Peach Schnapps, Jameson Irish Whiskey, and Sour Mix available. This cocktail is mixed together to create the unique flavor that is a Green Tea Shot.
  2. Prepare Your Shot Glass: Take a clean and dry shot glass. For that extra refreshing feeling, you can even drop the glass in the freezer but just for a few moments.
  3. Measure Peach Schnapps: Pour 1/2 oz of Peach Schnapps into the shot glass from the jigger or measuring tool. This sweet liqueur forms the base of your Green Tea Shot, giving it some fruity undertones.
  4. Adding Jameson Irish Whiskey: Now, add 1/2 oz of Jameson Irish Whiskey to the shot glass. Whiskey adds subtle smoothness with just a bit of smokiness to balance out the sweetness from the Peach Schnapps.
  5. Add Sour Mix: Finally, 1/2 oz of the sour mix in the shot glass. The sour mix adds a tangy and citrusy flavor that raises the overall taste of the cocktail.
  6. Layering Technique (Optional): For a more organic look, some bartenders prefer layering. Pour them slowly over the back of a spoon so each element settles in distinct layers.
  7. Serve and Enjoy: The Green Tea Shot is usually served quick as a flavorful shot best enjoyed in one to get sweetness, smokiness, and sourness.
  8. Play Around with It: While this classic recipe tastes wonderful just the way it is, don't be afraid to experiment for variances. You could add a little lemon-lime soda or even switch up the whiskey brand to change the flavor.
  9. Presentation Tips: Add a lemon twist or peach slice to garnish the shot for added enhancement. Not only does this look good, but it will also imbibe extra flavor.
  10. Enjoy Responsibly: With this Green Tea Shot, just like with any other alcoholic drink, be sure to enjoy it responsibly. Be aware of your drinking limits and never drink and drive.
The Green Tea Shot is a fun, delicious cocktail that packs a little punch with a variety of flavors. Whether you're into fruity cocktails or just looking for something a little different, this shot is sure to please the palate. Cheers to the next celebration and downing a round of Green Tea Shots.

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