5 Common Habits That Harm Your Oral Health

We all live in fast-paced lives, so commonly tend to overlook the little things that can ensure dental health and white smile. Hence, before you consider your oral hygiene 'okay', we will explore the top 5 mistakes that can have serious consequences on your beautiful smile. Rehearsal time for getting rid of the bad habits and learning all the do's and don't's for excellent oral hygiene begins. This is not just about cavities prevention; it is about keeping your winning smile in good shape for a long time.

5 Common Habits That Harm Your Oral Health
Photo: Yanalya/Freepik

Forgetting to Brush Before Bed

On the other hand, good sleep starts with the habit of brushing before bed. Occasionally someone may feel tired and think of going to bed without brushing. For many there is only one brushing a day, that is, in the morning. Nevertheless, it is most crucial not to forget that brushing twice a day is a good habit. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that brushing your teeth just before going to bed is of more significance than brushing in the morning. We do not brush at night, thus we allow the bacteria to accumulate unhindered over the whole night.

Brushing with too much force

Is it very amusing to learn that although some people do not have time to brush twice, there are those people who brush 2 times but also with unusual force. Sometimes you might think that a brush with so much rough use possibly will clean your teeth and that's rightly so, but the bad side of doing such a rough use is that it might damage your teeth and hurt your gums. Along with that broken gum could be badly inflected by this action.


Suffice it to say that the bad effects that smoking has on human health also apply to the oral part of the they one will suffer from them and therefore it's no surprise that it affects their dental health as well. Smokers' teeth would be yellowish in colour and would be more prone to gum diseases. For the people who are suffering from the gum disease, smoking will mediate the condition more and the recovery process will be very slow. The last element on the list is a fact that smoking negatively impacts the immune system. Therefore, any sort of an infection will be spread by it.

Overusing Toothpicks

From time to time, thinking toothpicks are not a horrible idea may be reasonable. In truth, even such banal matters as the small piece of food that is stuck between your teeth and you can't get rid of it are annouyng. Toothpicks can come handy for these situations but do note that sometimes toothpicks may be not able to get to the hard to reach nooks and crannies between your teeth. Firstly, the toothpicks can be pointy not only they may not penetrate the teeth but they can definitely hurt even your gums. If you hinder your gums by using toothpicks in regular manner, your can even experience gums damage in extreme cases.

Disregarding the tongue

As paradoxical as it may sound — kindly watch your language. The body of the email will be followed by the conclusion, which will summarize the message conveyed. You bacteria finds a surfactant. In case you don't clean, you may find your tongue looking whiteish after a while because bacteria growth. Tiny bacteria are the main reason for offensive breath odor, the denoted term of which is halitosis. Oral hygiene contribute to bad breath and an uncleaned tongue can trigger the chain of other oral health problems. Additionally, halitosis can be embarrassing and people may become self-conscious when they have this bad odour. Come with us to the journey of discovering the power of your tongue and keep the diseases away just by popping out a couple of minutes scrapping process a day.

There's a saying — blessings are not valued till they are gone. People do not pay attention to it and have a nonchalant attitude. Only when one is in need of a visit to the dentist, he/she realises injustice of them. However, also with them in mind, visit your dentist for at least once per year even if you do not have any oral problems.

Make sure you stay clear from those practices that are negatively affecting your oral health to a point — "A HAPPY MOUTH is the key for having a HAPPY BODY!"

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