10 Time Management Techniques to Try

Time management is one of the most formalized skills relevant to the contemporary world, which is rather chaotic. It could be useful for combining employment, education, or family care and other obligations, for instance. By implementing the right practices in your work, you can always get the best results you aim for. This article will look at ten different time management strategies that would assist one in not only regaining control of the time but also ensuring maximum utilization of the time available. 

10 Time Management Techniques to Try
Photo: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

1. Prioritize with the Eisenhower Matrix

There is another structure called the Eisenhower Matrix or, more precisely, the Urgent-Important Matrix that helps to distinguish tasks by the level of their urgency and their importance. This technique divides tasks into four categories: This technique divides tasks into four categories: 

The Four Quadrants 

  1. Urgent and Important: Activities that require its handling at the soonest possible time for example during emergencies or with time-sensitive work. 
  2. Important but Not Urgent: Activities that may advance long-term goals but for which there is no need to do something right now and the examples include strategic development and self-creation. 
  3. Urgent but Not Important: E-mails and phone calls that demand an immediate response as well as interruptions and some meetings that cannot wait. 
  4. Not Urgent and Not Important: Finally, the temporal activities include routines that can be either done away with or assigned to an assistant, for instance, minor chores and unnecessary distractions. 

Implementation Steps 

  • List Your Tasks: Prepare a list of things that must be done. 
  • Categorize: The four quadrants are then categorized and each task is assigned to one of them. 
  • Focus: All efforts should be put into ensuring that one spends more time doing activities in the first two quadrants and at the same time reduce the time spent on the last two. 

That way, we can avoid overcrowding tet and can easily figure out what needs attention and what can be left behind since it is relatively trivial. 

2. Plan Your Day with the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is an effective way to manage the overall time granted to a task; it divides the time into focused intervals, which are usually 25 minutes, followed by short breaks of 5 minutes. Here's how to use it: Here's how to use it: 

How It Works 

  1. Choose a Task: Choose a task you would like to engage in, // Choose an activity you would like to undertake. 
  2. Set a Timer: As an example, the first interval of telling a story is timed at 25 minutes, the so-called Pomodoro. 
  3. Work: Pick up the task and do as many questions as the timer allows. 
  4. Break: The best thing you can do now is to take a break and walk away from the screen you are staring at for 5 minutes. 
  5. Repeat: The detailed Pomodoro technique called for four short Pomodoro intervals which is followed by a longer break (15-30 minutes). 


  • Increased Focus: The duration of work sessions is also short and productive thus ensuring standardized concentration. 
  • Prevent Burnout: These are important in breaking the monotony and thereby reducing the effects of fatigue on the minds of people. 
  • Track Progress: The calls also make it possible to coordinate your work and time in a well-structured interval. 

It is useful in ensuring that there is always a level of concentration and productivity that we can uphold while at the same time avoiding cases of feeling drained or demotivated. 

3. Implement Time Blocking 

Time blocking is a concept that entails chopping an entire day into segments of time called ‘time blocks’ that are utilized in the completion of particular tasks. Here’s how to do it: Here’s how to do it: 

Steps to Implement 

  1. Identify Tasks: Write down the to-do list of what you require to perform. 
  2. Create Blocks: This means that you should schedule the time that is most appropriate to engage in each of these activities. 
  3. Schedule: It can be valuable to use a planner or a calendar to plan in these blocks. 
  4. Stick to the Plan: Ideally, stick to the established schedule and do not deviate from it too much. 


  • Enhanced Focus: Each working style diminishes various distractions inherent in multitasking. 
  • Improved Organization: It is important to set a structure for your day because it guarantees all the activities that need to be addressed receive some focus. 
  • Increased Productivity: This increases efficiency because the elements of work are organized and there are specific time slots assigned to each of them. 

It also implies that you can prioritize and schedule the time of the day to accomplish several tasks hence making it effective and avoiding multitasking. 

4. Use the 2-Minute Rule 

The 2-Minute Rule: This policy was developed by David Allen who was a productivity consultant, and his argument was that any tasks that would take two minutes at most to do should be done immediately. This rule assists you handle inconsequential tasks fast, in a way that reduces the buildup of the many, which in turn becomes overwhelming. 

How to Apply 

  1. Identify Small Tasks: As stated earlier, during your daily review, focus on jobs that can be done in the shortest time possible, in this case, two minutes. 
  2. Act Immediately: As much as possible, do such tasks as soon as possible rather than doing them at some other time. 


  • Reduces Procrastination: It becomes better to finish these petty jobs to avoid them piling up. 
  • Boosts Efficiency: Completing small assignments first helps because it allows you to have more time to tackle other crucial tasks. 
  • Creates Momentum: It is argued that small business breeds large business; hence, doing small things can be fulfilling and propel the accomplishment of greater deeds. 
This particular rule serves the purpose of handling numerous small activities at early stages before they accumulate to form a big volume of work. 

5. Set SMART Goals 

It’s important to establish that the goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound as in SMART goals. Here’s how to create SMART goals: Here’s how to create SMART goals: 

Components of SMART Goals 

  1. Specific: Be clear and specific to the state goal. 
  2. Measurable: Identify units of progress and units of success by which progress and success are going to be evaluated. 
  3. Achievable: That their goal is achievable and that it is proper in its homesteading. 
  4. Relevant: The goal should achieve a larger purpose that is consistent with the organization's objectives and/or values. 
  5. Time-bound: Additionally, it is important to state a time frame within which the goal was supposed to be accomplished. 

Examples of SMART Goals 

  • Work: Achieve a 10% sales growth within the next quarter through optimization of the approaches to target customers. 
  • Personal: Complete a 5K run with an average pace of less than 20 minutes/mile within the next three months by following a proper training regimen. 
  • Education: Mention that it is necessary to obtain a certificate in digital marketing and that such a certification should be completed within six months to improve the position in the respective field. 


  • Clarity: Specific objectives made work easier to organize since they acted as a guide on what needed to be done. 
  • Motivation: Specific, recognizable goals assist in keeping motivation levels high and are effective for monitoring performance feedback. 
  • Achievability: Realistic goals allow you not to have unachievable or overly ambitious targets, thus, providing no chances for failure. 
SMART goals help to avoid time issues and stay on track because clear goals give work direction and make a difference between priorities.

6. Practice the Pareto Principle 

Lack of understandingAbout the concept of the Pareto Principle which is also known as the 80/20 Rule meaning 80% of results are produced by only 20% of efforts. To apply this principle: 

Steps to Implement 

  1. Identify High-Impact Tasks: Segment the tasks to assess which of them has the highest relevance to the set goals. 
  2. Prioritize: Contribute to these important tasks only that are likely to make a significant difference in your organization. 
  3. Minimize Less Productive Activities: Minimize time used on activities with low significance. 


  • Work: Sustain a few critical activities that contribute towards the most important value proposition in the business rather than focusing on petty processes. 
  • Personal: Focus on doing things that are good for you and make you happy and not engaging in simple matters that do not deserve your attention. 
  • Education: Avoid getting distracted by other subtle activities by focusing on certain subject areas and tasks that are commendation most. 


  • Increased Efficiency: Employing high-impact work concepts could be instrumental in increasing flow rates observable. 
  • Better Resource Allocation: It is about focusing on useful activities and ensuring you spend appropriate time and effort on them. 
  • Reduced Stress: In essence, you’re able to decrease the amount of stress and the feeling of having to do it all by focusing on the fact that it is okay not to do it all. 
This way, it is easy to identify what activities are crucial and should be done, and which are less important and can be avoided to make the work more efficient and effective. 

7. Utilize Task Batching 

As the name suggests, it is the process of clumping all related tasks into one list or calendar and working on them consecutively. Here’s how to do it: Here’s how to do it: 

Steps to Implement 

  1. Identify Similar Tasks: Activities that involve working together and following a similar standard procedure, for instance sending Emails, making calls, and completing set form works. 
  2. Create Batches: Make sure that these tasks are done within the scheduled time slots allocated for the task to be accomplished. 
  3. Focus: The worker should perform the other batched tasks without any interference. 


  • Work: Categorize daily administrative work, such as managing emails and arranging appointments. 
  • Personal: Group Sunday housework like dishwashing or diaper washing. 
  • Education: Grouping of lessons in equal groups concerning the nature of topics or kinds of tasks. 


  • Reduced Context Switching: Ease of shifting between the two types of tasks can be improved and hence reduce the number of time spent on switching between the two. 
  • Enhanced Focus: COPE suggests that when working on similar jobs altogether, one can enhance the quality and speed of the undertaking. 
  • Time Savings: Some activities are better grouped at one time, as it is less time-consuming compared to splitting in case of appearing in the middle of the day. 
Another benefit of sorting tasks is that the method adopted helps in minimizing context-switching situations and increases on outcome. 

8. Apply the ABCDE Method 

The ABCDE method that has been developed by Brian Tracy is one of the helpful tools that is used to prioritize tasks. Here’s how to use it: Here’s how to use it: 

Steps to Implement 

  1. List All Tasks: At one particular corner, make a list of all the activities that you are supposed to accomplish. 
  2. Categorize: Problem solver tasks 9-16 should also be labeled using a letter. 
  • A: Urgent activities with potentially severe consequences if completed inadequately or not undertaken at all. 
  • B: Considered important do’s that may have a less severe negative impact if not completed. 
  • C: Me-too activities with no risks, not really must-do effort.: 
  • D: Delegate tasks. 
  • E: Eliminate tasks. 
  • Focus: While. batching A tasks, do A tasks first before proceeding to B tasks, and then C tasks, and so on. 


  • Prioritization: Helps in prioritizing work to accomplish all the important tasks at the beginning of the working day. 
  • Efficiency: This ensures time is well managed, and effort is directed towards relevant activities. 
  • Delegation: A good checklist of tasks enables you to let go of some tasks to be done by other people while you attend to other more crucial activities. 
This method is helpful in the way you allocate or distribute the priorities so that what is more important is done first. 

9. Leverage Technology and Tools 

Of course, there are many great tools and apps which can actually assist you in getting quite better at managing your time. Some popular options include: 

Tools and Apps 

  1. Trello: An application often used as a project management tool where the creation of boards, lists, and cards of tasks is possible. 
  2. Todoist: A localized calendar that allows you to create tasks and set time alarms. 
  3. Google Calendar: An application for storing the appointments and deadlines of daily lives. 
  4. RescueTime: Another productivity tool that wakes you up to the reality of how you or your team spends time on tasks. 


  • Organization: Several applications such as Trello and Todoist assist users in organizing and prioritizing tasks due to specific deadlines. 
  • Scheduling: Google Calendar depends on a user for effective planning of the day, week, and month. 
  • Insight: Another is RescueTime which allows you to track how you spend your time and gives further detailed reports on time management problems. 
Here, the use of those tools will help you in adopting an efficient workflow, whilst keeping track of your time use. 

10. Reflect and Adjust Regularly

Thus, time management is a continuous process in which an individual has to constantly stop and reflect on what he/she is doing and whether or not things are running as they should. Here’s how to do it:

Steps to Implement

  1. Review Your Day: Make sure that, at the close of every day, you reflect on the achievements and tasks you did not complete.
  2. Identify Patterns: To make progress you need to analyze the rhythm of working and try to find the things that need to be changed.
  3. Adjust Your Plan: The task requires you to make whatever changes you need to as far as your time-management strategies are concerned, according to your conclusions.


  • Continuous Improvement: Scheduling meetings ensures that one can determine the aspects that need improvement as well as the areas that require enhancement.
  • Adaptability: Accommodation of time changes increases the likelihood of improved time management when the outcome of the changed plan is better than the original plan.
  • Increased Self-Awareness: Self-reflecting daily allows one to be knowledgeable of his or her production patterns and habits which ensures one creates the ideal working schedules.
When you consciously analyze what you are doing concerning time management daily, monthly, or whenever, you are likely to notice that you are already getting better as time goes on.

Although good time management can be defined as the use of time wisely to accomplish set goals, it is a lifelong process that needs effort, commitment, and consistency. If you are keen to exercise control on time and enhance productivity by achieving your feats in a better way, then, here are ten techniques that must be adopted. For a student, an employee, a businessman, or an engineer, these tips may assist you to make the most of the 24 hours in a day and live to the optimum.

As with many things in life, the art of time management mainly consists of tracking down strategies suitable for a particular situation and oneself. Begin to implement these methods today, and find out how doing more means having more time to pursue your interests.

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