7 Signs of Deep Emotional Pain in Love Relationships

Everyone is seeking love but one must be prepared for the fact that even in the best of relationships there may be moments when people hurt one another. Nevertheless, there can be certain factors that tell us something is wrong in a relationship, although couples may expect minor loopholes from time to time. Here are 7 signs that your love relationship might be causing you deep emotional pain:

7 Signs of Deep Emotional Pain in Love Relationships
Photo: Anastasia Sklyar/Unsplash

Constant Criticism and Belittlement

Constructive criticism refers to the ability to give constructive criticism that is free from insults. But if a partner is regularly humiliating you, insulting your personality, or telling you that you are useless, then it is a sign of misbehavior. This constant negativity thereby takes its toll on you, causing lowered self-esteem, emotional upset, and many other miserable feelings. 

Walking on Eggshells

Do you keep quiet, say things indirectly, avoid topics, or change your ideas to match your partner’s opinion? This often suggests that there is a high amount of instability between both of you in terms of emotions. Living with such fears is very stressful and is closely connected with the deterioration of one’s emotional condition. 

Lack of Trust and Secrecy

Any relationship must have trust to be as sound as it can be. If your partner is secretive; if he/she does not disclose necessary information from your life; or if you are always in doubt as to whether he/she is telling the truth then definitely it is a path to hurt feelings. 

Emotional Withdrawal and Disconnection

A successful marriage is a state where the couple likes to spend time with each other and can express feelings comfortably. The lack of affection, sexual intimacy, and even general disaffection is definitely more severe in nature. Unfortunately, this leads to a state of constantly having no one emotionally – a state that in turn leads to loneliness and isolation. 

Unhealthy Dependence and Need for Control

Love should not be felt as pressuring or oppressively close, or in other words, smothering. If the partner has to know your every movement, gets pissed off very often, or tries to manage your daily behavior, it becomes exhausting. People do not fully trust each other, but at the same time, they possess their own freedom in most healthy relationships. 

Constant Conflict and Unresolved Issues

 No two people can be in a relationship for some time and never disagree. Still, there are moments when conflicts with the partner, open questions, and problems, that were not solved and continue to emerge, or just overall negativity in the relationship, affects the emotional state. 

Loss of Identity and Self-Esteem

Love should not make people lose their identity and should not push them to do reprehensible things. It is a hint at an unhealthy relationship pattern if children’s needs are neglected and adult interests are abandoned if their own needs are prioritized only in passing, or if the relationship makes a person lose sight of his or her individuality. 

If you're experiencing any of these signs, it's important to take action.

In doing so, you might consult your couple's therapist about more profound approaches. It seems that if the relationship is making you more unhappy than happy, then you should be sure to make some changes. 

So, stay strong for yourself and never forget that you should be surrounded by love in a relationship. It may be helpful to tell a trusted friend, family member, or professional about a particular relationship, and do not hesitate to sever ties with someone who has caused you significant suffering. 

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