How to Move On from One-Sided Love: Effective Tips for Healing and Personal Growth

Love is one of the most personal emotions that a human being can feel. It is an unbelievable adventure when it is mutual. It always carries pain with itself whenever one falls in love with a person who does not feel the same way. Unrequited love generally is reviewed as one of the most terrible knots of the heart and a deep personal loss. However, letting go of it by moving on becomes a necessity to mend oneself and find personal growth again. In this comprehensive guide, we look at some of the best tips that will enable you to sail through this difficult moment and come out stronger and more resilient.

How to Move On from One-Sided Love: Effective Tips for Healing and Personal Growth
Photo: Freepik

Understanding Unrequited Love

Unrequited love is when a person has feelings for another and the feeling isn't mutual. Maybe he/she is unaware of your feelings, or he doesn't feel the same way about you; perhaps the other person even has someone else. Whichever the case may be, it can bring about very strong emotional pain.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

First is to acknowledge what you are feeling. Denying or trying to suppress the emotions will just prolong the pain. First, acknowledge that it is only human to feel hurt, disappointed, and even angry. Journaling helps as one gets to write down how one feels about it, what one would like to tell the person, and hope to move ahead.

Allow Yourself to Mourn

Grieving is necessary to move on from someone. Let yourself grieve the loss of a relationship you had so dearly hoped for. Cry if you need to, talk about it to a close friend, or do anything else that might aid in your process of mourning. Just be sure of one thing—you are not wrong to feel this way; it's only human after losing something.

Cut All Contacts (If Possible)

Most of the time, if you want to move on, you need to set or create a distance between you and the person that you long for, which might be as simple as refraining from following him/her or erasing the person's contacts, avoiding places where you might meet the person. This is what would give you big pain initially, and afterward, you will then start detaching the emotional part and just focus on yourself.

Take care of yourself.

It's important to take care of yourself at this time. Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being more than ever. Indulge in things that feel good to you and help you unwind. Set aside some time for things like: 

  • Exercise: Exercise keeps you active and increases energy levels.
  • Healthful Eating: Provide your body with nutrition that gives you a healthy life overall.
  • Sleep: Get good rest to recover from this experience both physically and emotionally.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: These are exercises that can help keep you grounded and deal with your feelings.

Seek Support

Don't be afraid to lean on your support network. Friends and family will always be there to listen, advise, and remind you that indeed, you are not alone. However, if one believes things are really awful and one is having a hard time coping, then it may be necessary to speak with a professional therapist or counselor. They will be able to provide support and guidance with professional advice by helping to find ways of dealing healthily with feelings.

Redirect Your Energy

One of the very best ways to get over one-sided love is to channel that energy elsewhere—in a good direction. It could stand for a new hobby, a work project, or even volunteering. Doing these things that you find pleasurable and rewarding will help change attention from something serving to make you miserable to something quite the opposite: something that is most likely to enhance your life.

New Goal Setting

Setting new personal and professional goals lets one have direction and a sense of purpose. Working toward targets, be that learning a new skill, following one's passion, or succeeding in one's profession, will help one stay focused and motivated about personal growth.

Show Gratitude

Gratitude is one thing that can turn your attitude around 360 degrees. Take a minute every day and just be thankful for what you have. Help yourself appreciate the good side of your life and not focus on the blank portion of it, and this will help you immensely. Keeping a gratitude journal is one of the most effective ways.

Look at What You Can Learn from the Experience

In every painful experience lies the opportunity for learning and growth. Notice how you learned more about yourself, your needs, and your boundaries—the things you learned from the relationship. Allow that knowledge to become a lens through which you approach relationships in the future: guiding you deeper into self-trust and identity.

Avoid Negative Coping Mechanisms

While it is humanly understandable to reach out for ways through which the pain can be numbed, beware of negative ways such as excessive drinking, overeating, or other unhealthy behaviors. Though these things may offer relief for the moment, they will prolong your emotional suffering and delay your healing.

Embrace the Power of No Contact

No contact is beyond mere abstinence from physical or digital contact; it literally serves the purpose of setting an emotional boundary. Not looking at their social media, inquiring from mutual friends if they're okay, and definitely not rereading those old, flirty messages—these are all acts that glance at the wound that's supposed to heal. Commit to a period of no contact to allow yourself space to heal with every such act.

Bring Positivity into Your Life

Fill your life with positive influences. This may be in the form of spending time with friends who uplift you, doing activities that make you happy, or even renovating space for a makeover that can uplift your mood. Positivity is contagious and could help you in building back a positive attitude.

Reconnect with Yourself

One-sided love may at times blur your vision of who you are outside your feelings for another human. Take this time to reconnect with yourself once again. Engage in the things that you enjoy, learn something new, and spend time alone. The rediscovery process will help in piecing back together your self-esteem and a sense of identity.

Understand Healing Takes Time

Healing from one-sided love definitely isn't linear. Some days you will do well, others, not so much. Have patience and know setbacks are okay; hence, progress will be slow. Yet, with any step toward healing that you take, it truly is very big.

Embrace New Relationships

Be ready to open up to new relationships when you are. It does not mean that you need to rush headfirst into a brand-new romantic relationship at the first opportunity. Instead, nurture and build meaningful friendships and bonds with people. With time, you will find your ability to love and to be loved getting healthier.

Celebrate Your Progress

Appreciate and celebrate each step you take, however small. Every single step forward simply shows your strength in your resiliency. Give yourself a treat—attain milestones, show pride in your journey towards healing and personal growth.


Moving on from an unrequited love is certainly difficult, but it can give a person room for personal development. Learn to accept your feelings, be able to grieve for a little while, then do some self-care while seeking support, refocusing all your energies on embracing new goals and experiences, and you will heal stronger than ever. Remember that the pain you are feeling right now is not forever, but the growth and self-discovery you gain from all of this will serve you for lifetime value.

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