Simple Steps to Identify and Change Your Bad Habits for a Healthier Life

Do you feel trapped in some vicious circle of habits from which there is no way out? Be it bad eating, procrastination, or chronic lateness; bad habits are definitely going to retard your progress toward well-being. The good news, however, is that a little awareness and dedication can surely turn those negative patterns into positive ones. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you identify and change your bad habits for a healthy life:

Simple Steps to Identify and Change Your Bad Habits for a Healthier Life
Photo: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

Step 1: Be Aware of Your Bad Habits

You cannot alter what you are not aware of. So first, take a little time to reflect upon your daily routine and behaviors. Here are some questions that will get your self-reflection juices flowing:

  • What habits do you feel guilty about?
  • Are there some behaviors that stand in the way of peak performance at work, serge in relationships, or health?
  • Do you reach for junk food when you're stressed out, or scroll through social media just because you're bored? 

Step 2: Identify the Triggers

Bad habits don't exist in a vacuum; they are normally triggered by particular situations, emotions, or surroundings. Knowing what these triggers are, you can devise ways of avoiding or countering them.

  • Environmental Triggers: These are things in your environment that lead to certain behaviors. For instance, having some junk foods in your kitchen may make one reach for them. 
  • Emotional Triggers: Stress, boredom, and loneliness might be what drives one to obtain bad habits as coping mechanisms. Note what emotions precede your acting on a bad habit. 

Step 3: Setting Clear Goals

Define what you want to achieve. Instead of vague resolutions like "I want to become healthier," set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals. For example, "I will replace soda with water in my daily meals for the next 30 days."

Step 4: Create a Plan

Now that you know what you're up against and what you want to attain, it's time for a proper action plan.

  • Identify replacement behaviors: Locate healthier alternatives for your bad habits. For instance, if you're a smoker, pick deep breathing exercises or gum to replace the habit.
  • Break it down: Avoid fighting the habit head-on. Break it down further into smaller steps that are more digestible. Suppose you want to spend less time on your screen; accordingly, you could set up a timer to gradually decrease the amount of usage over time.
  • Set Reminders: Visual cues, like sticky notes on your monitor or phone alarms, may remind you about the new habits to be followed continuously.

Step 5: Be Patient and Consistent

The key to forming new habits is consistency. Keep rehearsing the replacement behaviors until they become almost instinctive. Remember, it takes time to rewire your brain—some studies even suggest it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a new habit to form.

Step 6: Track Your Progress

Keep a log or journal, or use an app to keep track of your habits. Most importantly, by keeping a record of your journey you'll be able to stay motivated and track what's working and what's not. Add an element of fun to it by allowing yourself to be rewarded for small accomplishments along the way.

Step 7: Get Support

Do not be afraid of calling on a friend, family, or professional to help you make it through the tough times. Be sure to share your goals with others and give yourself that extra push of motivation, along with holding yourself responsible for the actions for attaining those goals.

Step 8: Learn from Failure

One can expect some setbacks to occur in any change process. If you slip up, do not be too hard on yourself. Point out what has gone wrong and adjust the strategies accordingly. The key is to learn from the mistakes and move forward.


It involves self-discovery and change for the better. Once you do understand your bad habits and realize what triggers them, it then becomes very easy to set goals and detail a plan for overcoming them. Moreover, through constant working and reminding, you get to transform your bad habits into good ones. Remember, health is an incremental road, and every little bit matters in reaching your goal.

But be patient on the journey, be determined, and assuredly you will bring yourself closer to health and happiness. Very good luck!

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