Why Does Love Have the Power to Hurt Us So Deeply?

This is especially so because love is a complex human behavior that defines so many experiences in life. It’s a force that helps to inspire, encourage, and bring happiness that cannot be measured in any other way. But, on the other side of the scale, love also has the potential to hurt and this hurt can be a profound, pervasive kind of pain. To comprehend the fact, that love is capable of inflicting as much pain as joy, one has to delve deeper into the components of the psyche, the characteristics of human relations, and the arguably evolutionary fundamentals of affection.

Why Does Love Have the Power to Hurt Us So Deeply?
Photo: Tom Pumford/Unsplash

The Psychological Impact of Love

Emotional Vulnerability

First, it is necessary to point out that one of the main factors that contribute to feelings of pain in a relationship is the level of openness that love requires. When men and women fall in love they willingly expose themselves in the most vulnerable ways and angles till they are completely naked. It invests in willingness to show who we are with no embarrassment – our dreams, our fears, our vulnerabilities. The authority the principal possesses over our persona is comprehensive in contemplating our emotional status. Thus, any negative gestures or words from them can leave an effect that, as research has shown, is much worse than a physical one because it inflicts pain cognitively.

Attachment and Loss

The human being is by nature social and he always lived in society and was never lonely, he always needed and sought other people. According to John Bowlby, attachment is an essential aspect as it outlines that future relationships with other people will depend on the kind of relationship we had with our caregivers when we were young. When these attachments are attacked or breached it can lead to serious grief or traumatic outcomes. Love, hence implies a commitment and when this commitment is negated by factors such as break up, betrayal, or loss, this may lead to a lot of agony.

The Biological Basis of Love

Neurochemical Reactions

Lovemaking releases a chemical called oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin in the brain causing a chain reaction. Another hormone that is of importance for sexual experience is Oxytocin also known as the ‘love hormone’ which contributes to bonding. Thus, dopamine helps develop feelings of pleasure and reward, which is why being in love can be very stimulating. However, when love is not mutual or vanishes these neurochemical levels can go low and one ends up being depressed, and anxious and tends to isolate themselves – symptoms similar to those that are associated with withdrawal from drugs.

Evolutionary Perspective

Analyzing the problem from the evolutionary and Darwinian points of view, love, as well as the suffering that results from it, is essential to the maintenance of human life and procreation. The feeling of love creates strong personal relationships, especially between parents, and guarantees them parenthood over the offspring which increases their likelihood of survival. This hurt could be understood as a sign of at least mate protection; it may be seen to motivate individuals away from any actions likely to put those relationships – and, by extension, their genes – in danger.

The Social and Cultural Dimensions of Love

Societal Expectations

Love is thus shaped by the cultures and shared beliefs of societies, hence the dozes and threes. To count for something to someone, love is portrayed by the media and literature as full of glamour as opposed to reality. As we will see, when the relationships in our lives do not measure up to these expectations, people can experience considerable disappointment and suffering. Many times, this leads to an expectation gap… the difference between what we expect and what we actually get is disappointment, failure, rejection, and inadequacy, all emotions that intensify the pain of love.

Fear of Rejection

Equally another prominent source of pain in love can be the known and felt fear of rejection. Are you loved? Feeling rejected by someone close ones that is like experiencing rejection of one’s self. Most of the time, this is driven by fears of rejection from society as well as the need for acceptance. While love can be an incredibly powerful drug and can make people feel on top of the world, unrequited love, on the other hand, makes people feel worthless and therefore rejection may hurt them even more.

Coping with the Pain of Love


Other techniques that one has to employ during the process of learning to handle a loss in love include practicing self-compassion. I am a firm believer that sometimes it is necessary to hurt and hearing that it is alright to take time to heal IS relaxing. Other practices such as taking a walk, exercising, reading a book, or going on a leisurely drive can also help in healing and getting over a breakup.

Professional Support

It is worse when the pain is a result of love and at such times, an individual may seek help from a therapist or counselor. It is a process that creates an environment in the client, where one can discover how they feel as well as uncover why, to find solutions on how to handle situations that may arise.

Finding Meaning

The search of meaning and the positive messy emotions of love can also help when it comes to coping with pain. It must also be acknowledged that considering what has been learned from the experience is not just closed off in the relationship realm but could also be a source of positive knowing for the individual.


This essential link between love and pain underscores how deeply ingrained love is in our psychological, biological, and social mechanisms. This, I believe, is a true indicator of the value of interpersonal relationships and how they can touch our lives in a great way. Some of the messages that are conveyed through the movie are that pain in love is tolerable and even welcome because it helps one to change, transform, and become a better person, and, in effect, it makes one appreciate what it is to be human. The essence of the above love quotes is that it is wiser and healthier to accept the dual nature of love’s happiness and suffering as both enrich our emotional lives and expand our ability to love.

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