5 Tricks to Keep Your Partner Happy

Sometimes it happens that the partner is angry for some reason and he doesn't want to talk to you. Never get disheartened. This has been happening, not only in your case but with almost everyone who is in a love or marriage relationship. Yet it is not at all right to let it grow. Sometimes, this leads to bitterness in the relationship and separation. Later, there is no choice but to regret. So it's better to try and keep the partner happy all the time. You can easily keep your partner happy by adopting some tricks. Let's find out, 5 ways to keep your partner happy-

5 Tricks to Keep Your Partner Happy
Photo: prostooleh

If there is a fight, keep your ego aside and talk

Perhaps there is nothing wrong with you, and yet your partner does not want to understand anything. Most of the time, at this particular moment, people take the wrong steps and sit with egos; they don't want to talk. And it's not correct at all. One shouldn't get angry in such a situation; instead, one should talk to him politely, and try to find the reason for his anger.


You must have heard this tip many times in your life. It actually works. Many people might get the idea that apologizing is going to make them small. But that is not an idea at all. If you, with your small gesture, can make somebody happy, then you can never be small. So learn to apologize.


People need to be heard properly. When your partner is talking about his problems, listen to him. Sometimes proper listening, without an argument or suggestion, can solve many problems. So listen properly when your partner says something.

Feel the love

Most of the time we love someone but don't want to show love. This is not correct at all. If you love someone, it is very important to make him feel it. You love him, partner needs to feel it. He needs to be taken care of. Give gifts occasionally. Take it for a ride.

Try to smile

So, laughter is that one thing that has a huge role in keeping the mind healthy. Try to make your partner laugh. If he gets angry for some reason, you can make him laugh. It also keeps your relationship healthy.

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