Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle by Sticking to Regular Meal Times

An important nutritional mantra by Adele Davis in the 1960s says, " The morning meal should be the heaviest, the midday meal the lightest, and the least at night is good for the body." This mantra is very important for healthy living. Today, this mantra still holds its relevance. According to the doctors, eating or drinking should be done according to some rules. This habit of eating at the right time reduces stress and increases immunity. It will also help reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle by Sticking to Regular Meal Times
Photo: LyfeFuel/Unsplash


There should be a gap of at least 12 hours between breakfast and dinner. If you get up too late in the morning, you cannot maintain this gap. Breakfast should be taken between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. Then the balance will be maintained. And the body will be healthy. Breakfast should be the heaviest, as it gives us the energy we need to start the day. For breakfast, foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, and fiber should be taken. For example, eggs, oatmeal, fruit, and milk can be an ideal breakfast.


As it takes around 4 hours to digest the food in the digestive system, lunch should be had at least 4 hours after breakfast. Otherwise, there may occur problems of indigestion, and heartburn, if there is not at least this much time gap between breaks-fast and lunch. Lunch should be relatively light but nutritious or rich in nutrients. Vegetables, proteins, and carbohydrates should be its constituents. For example, vegetables, fish or chicken, and brown rice can be an ideal lunch.


There should be a gap of 8 hours between lunch and dinner. If this time is long, the balance is lost. Doctors always advise to keep dinner light. This practice helps in keeping a person healthy as well as keeping his weight under control. Dinner should be light and easy to digest. For example, soup, salad, and fruit can be an ideal dinner.

Mid Meal

Apart from breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you could fall back upon fruits and healthful snacks to keep those hunger pangs at bay. In that respect, fruits, nuts yogurts, and light snacks would form perfect mid-meals. These kinds of foods give the required nutrition to our system and help satiate hungry feelings.


One of the central habits of our body, therefore, is eating at the right time. Eating the right food at the right time not only keeps the body healthy but also allows it to reduce stress and fight diseases or immunity. It helps boost our immunity. Therefore, it becomes imperative for every one of us to follow this mantra proffered by Adele Davis and feed ourselves with the right foods at the right time.

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