Do Motivational Speeches Really Have a Long-Term Impact on Our Lifestyle?

Hello friends, how are you all? Hope everyone is well. I am also well with your blessings. In today's topics, I shall discuss in front of you whether motivational speech really affects our lifestyle for a long time.

Of course, read the post with patience. This will benefit you.

Almost all of us now listen to motivational speeches. And we all have some idea about this topic.

There was a time when I was going through a really bad time. I was trying to figure out what one should do in life. One job test after another, the results were negative. Personal life was plagued with problems. I felt very helpless.

Do Motivational Speeches Really Have a Long-Term Impact on Our Lifestyle?
Photo: jigsawstocker/Freepik

Something was looking in my heart; I was preparing my mind to get a job, but I didn't want to get a job with my heart, and yet I didn't understand what it was that I wanted. It turned out to be a lot of wasted time.

Finally, one of the motivational videos made me find myself. I was crazily searching for something. There were things said there that helped me understand myself, and I was able to find out what I really wanted in life.

First of all, I started changing my bad habits, like waking up in the morning and eating at the right time. I used to do physical exercises long ago, but this time I made some more changes.

Now I started asking myself: what is my life's desire? What do I want to be? Where do I want to stand?

One by one, all the answers started tickling my mind. I started getting organized. One fine day, I sat down with a notebook and a pen, one by one, and wrote everything that I wanted to do in life.

With much enthusiasm for watching motivational videos and reading books, if you want to make yourself, then books have to be your constant companion.

Today, it's only because of the motivational videos that I could move ahead in life. Along with this, endless encouragement of my mother supported me. That person understood my needs and gave me one book after another. A mother cannot be compared to any person. Mother is mother.

No, I didn't think anything about life since childhood. There was no such environment. So I started some years back planning about my life.

Many people say, "There is no work in motivational speech. It is all a waste of time." But I benefited from it.

Now, motivational speech should be heard by people who have struggled a lot in life and are occupying a successful place today; it gives more motivation. I follow some famous people every day for the purpose of motivation. All those people who helped me light up my life are those whom I will always be grateful for.

Whether a motivational speech is going to change your life or not, all depends on you. Motivation depends upon the extent to which you believe in it.

Now, point to point, I explain the misconceptions of some people I know, the things of which they are unaware about life. I try to motivate them so that their confidence increases. He is not changing himself one bit.

That matter I have thought over a lot. Till then, until the person I am talking about motivates himself, he is ready to take my words; all these words are of no value.

If there was some value, anyone would watch a motivational video or speech and change himself completely. Then everyone would get what they want in life. Actually listening to a motivational speech requires preparing yourself first. I'm going to benefit from this attitude. must move on.

I feel that motivation and meditation go side by side. What do you think will happen if water is poured into a flat vessel? Will water stand in a flat vessel? If not, then motivation without meditation is like a flat vessel; through meditation, it is possible to deepen the mind. Hence, motivation can easily occupy a place there.

Actually, what you believe is what motivates you. You need to find out what keeps you moving first; it will be a formula with which you can do the impossible. Man is the darkness of infinite power; there is nothing man can't do—not in the world. What people can't do is to be patient.

Most of the people are very restless; people don't like to wait. They wish they could get what they want right away. Well, it's not possible, and as a result, failure occurs in life.

Tell me how many years it takes to grow a tree. Life is just like that. If a person gets everything in one day, then there is no love in getting it.

The motivational speech will help you walk the path, but you have to walk. If you don't believe in yourself, no motivation works. But if you want, this motivational speech will help you to bring this belief.

HW Beecher says ——

"Just as a balloon cannot fly without gas, a boat cannot move without a rudder, similarly man cannot do anything without motivation."

How much motivation is in your faith? Your inspiration is within you. And with that, I believe the biggest motivation is looking at the faces of the parents. The amount of hope they have in us. We can make arrangements for them to spend their last life in peace. Because if we are good, the most peace those two people get.

It is not that you depend on others to get motivation; rather, you believe in yourself and move further ahead—be your own motivation. In fact, one medicine does not work for all. If you understand the disease and take the medicine, then surely the disease will be cured.

Thanks. Stay well, stay healthy.

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