Do You Deserve a Birthday Present (From You)?

Birthdays mean cake, congratulations, and, not to forget, presents! Yet, in the excitement of receiving gifts from loved ones, how would one deal with this question: should you get yourself a birthday present?

Do You Deserve a Birthday Present (From You)?
Photo: Freepik

This is where the tricky aspect of self-gift giving comes in: it may feel indulgent and even selfish.  After all, isn't the point of birthdays to shower one in appreciation?  However, some solid arguments would prove otherwise concerning treating yourself on your special day.

The Power of Self-Appreciation

Think of this: the hard work, the running after responsibilities, juggling this life stuff, consistently all year. Don't you deserve a little pat on the back, or something, for just being you?  A gift to one's self on a birthday is a way of taking note of your accomplishments, no matter how large or small. If anything, it's that opportunity to say, "Well done" to one more year of growth and experience.

Tailored to Your Desires

Face it, family and friends really don't always hit that nail on the head with their gifts, no matter the good intentions. A self-gifted present ensures you will get what you want. Maybe it's that book that has been sitting in your view for a while now, right in time for walking into the fall in a cozy sweater or those tickets to your favorite band playing live this summer. A birthday present from you enables a person to fulfill their personal desire and creates pure joy.

Boosting Self-Esteem

It may surprise you how much buying yourself that special something does for your self-esteem. You are telling yourself that you are, in fact, worth it, you are worthy. And acting out of that sense of self-care and control over your happiness can be so extremely empowering. Because it is positive self-talk, it's like this inner radiant glow, which consequently leads to enhanced self-confidence and general wellness.

Overcoming Gift-Giving Guilt

So many of us have that pang of guilt when we are showered with gifts.  A self-gifted present can help balance the scales a little.  When treating yourself, in some manner you're actually returning the favor by acknowledging other people's generosity while fulfilling your desires at the same time.

It Doesn't Have to Break the Bank

It need not be elaborate nor boast a luxury item price tag. It is in the intention. Perhaps it is just that little indulgence, something like that nice cup of coffee or the weekend spent in the small town nearby. Or maybe it is something new you would like to try—take a pottery class, or attend a dance workshop. The key here is choosing an activity that will provide joy, regardless of how small the price might be.

Make it a Tradition

Let self-gifting become one of the cherished traditions in this birthtime ritual. Open line items in the budget or reserve a special allocation for this purpose so that one can indulge openly without any guilt and be sure to have the financial room to do so, thereby adding to the expectation of celebrating a birthday with the excitement of choosing your present by yourself.

Of course, self-gifting isn't for everybody. Many people found it awkward or even silly. Listen to your own heart, and do what is right in your eyes. You literally shouldn't feel ashamed at all about treasuring those presents, but if the idea of self-gifting has crossed your mind and that brings a little thrill, then why not? Think of it as an investment in birthday happiness—one way to manage to celebrate another year of being you.

So, the next time that your birthday comes around, don't be afraid to indulge a little. Select that special something, wrap it up with love—completely from you to you—and just relish the easiness of being another year older. After all, you deserve it!

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