Eat Well, Walk More, Live Healthier: Your Guide to a Better Lifestyle

We all know that it is not right to lie down or sleep immediately after eating. Walking after eating is very useful for health. If walking is not possible, then at least sit for a while. According to the experts, walking for at least 30 minutes after meals is good, especially after dinner. This will result in fewer digestive problems.

Eat Well, Walk More, Live Healthier: Your Guide to a Better Lifestyle
Photo: pressfoto/Freepik

 It is very important to chew one's food properly. It breaks down food into small pieces and mixes it with saliva so that food can be easily digested. And the body can absorb the required nutrients. So, it is very important that food is broken into small chewed portions and reaches different intestines of the body, where the process of digestion starts. The earlier the process of transfer, the better the digestion. Meanwhile, if the process of migration is delayed then the trouble of gas becomes more miserable. That is why the walks for 30 minutes after a meal will eliminate many problems. And those who have concerns with constipation benefit from walking after food regularly.

Research has shown that walking after food is of very good health. For most diabetics, the results have shown that it not only helps in the process of digestion but also favors it. Diabetics should walk every day for 30 minutes after dinner.

A study by the University of Otago in New Zealand has shown that diabetes can be controlled by walking 40 minutes after eating a meal. It is equally important to watch what one is eating. For a diabetic, one should not be taking food items with high carbohydrate values. Carbohydrates are needed in the body as they provide energy, but high amounts of glucose in the blood can be harmful to one's health. It is very important to keep blood glucose levels under control for diabetic patients.

Any food or any kind of exercise after intake is most unwelcome. It can lead to indigestion and acidity. 5-10 minutes after eating, one should go for a walk. While walking, one should not walk fast; one should walk at a moderate pace.

Too much walking can cause gastric problems too. In fact, nothing far is good – not too many strolls. Excessive walking or physical exercises can cause gastric problems as excess blood flow is diverted to the muscles and digestion is disrupted.

Ideally, doctors recommend that you walk a minimum of 10,000 steps each day. Cultivate the practice of exercise each day, and eating and drinking early, by walking 30 minutes before going to bed at night to keep your body healthy and active. Your routine physical activity and good rest are important for your long-term health and enhancement of your quality of life.

Furthermore, a few precautions definitely come into action while walking or doing physical activity after meals:

  • One should not walk or exercise fast right after a meal. At least 5-10 minutes of resting time post having a meal should be given for the process of digestion.
  • While walking after meals, you should not be brisk; rather, move moderately. High physical activity after meals will most probably disturb the digestion process.
  • If you ever feel any discomfort, just cease walking immediately and rest because not everyone will have the same body response post-meal.
  • Walking 40 minutes post-meal is a good tool for sugar control, but if you feel any uneasiness, stop walking and relax.
  • Long-standing health can be achieved only if exercise regularly and systematic rest are part of life. At least 10,000 steps are to be taken daily.

In other words, a walk or some physical activity after meals will improve the digestion system and benefit health through this practice.

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