Happiness Found in an Unexpected Moment: The Simplicity of Life's Satisfaction

Life is an infinite journey where we indulge in a mixture of rejection, struggle, and success. The desire to get everything in the world has remained an eternal instinct of man, and getting everything in life creates a new crisis when this desire gets fulfilled. It may be difficult to think at first, but in real terms, getting everything in life creates a panacea for us. Many say that actual joy is sucked out of life at that very moment because there is nothing to be relished or accomplished. Getting nothing over here may prove as a huge cause of peace and joy for individuals.

Happiness Found in an Unexpected Moment: The Simplicity of Life's Satisfaction
Photo: Ave Calvar/Unsplash

Actually, the sensation of not having something or not being complete keeps the thrill and charm of life alive. People do not just go along life's path to achieve something; they enjoy life at every step that they go on. Having a goal or challenge in front of us always boosts our morale, so moving further forward in life will never be a problem. The essence that forms the core of our genuine happiness is this: life is not a straight line but it is made of humps and ups and downs.

The moment everything becomes easy in life, all the beauty and charm of perception are lost. Suppose you have won some extremely valuable award or medal. The time of excitement which precedes this achievement is a source of real joy. When we achieve something, the momentary joy is short-lived. But the period of anticipation and struggle before that gives our lives real meaning and excitement.

Sometimes, it is failure and despair through which we realize the deeper beauty of life. In this very feeling we discover our more profound strengths, and capabilities. Calamities make us realize how hard we are capable of working, struggle, and become determined. It is this disappointment and failure that motivates people to work again with renewed enthusiasm.

Failure is an integral part of human emotions. While we witness that our work is failing to reach up to our expectations, we work harder for our progress. It is this effort which gives new ideas and enthusiasm to our lives. If nothing is to be enjoyed, we can at least spend some time in peace, which may be more satisfying to our souls. This solitude and simplicity keep our minds cool and calm.

While everything in life comes to a man, a dependent softness comes into him, and it does not easily get pleasing to him. Not having everything in this world creates a sense of happiness and tranquility that keeps the thrill of life alive. Further trying to achieve something and the process revealing failure and disappointment reveals the true beauty of life. And that is why it is said, 'Panashe when all is found.' The charm is no longer there.

Life will go on as a gift of nature, and the desire for something in every moment will keep our lives moving and interesting. Sometimes we get something; sometimes we fail to get it. We have to learn to appreciate the distance itself, which is an invaluable wealth and brings immense joy to our lives. Our longing and achieving mentality before the Creator will always keep us alive and keep our appreciation and love for life inexhaustible.

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