How Much Time Are We Setting Aside for Ourselves? Making Time for Yourself

All of us have busy moments: busy students from school, working people with office work, and housewives tending to the family. But what amount of time is really needed for ourselves in this busy life? It is most often that we fail to give proper attention to our health, state of mind, and introspection in today's society. Think of it this way: We are doing everything right in our lives, but how much time are we giving to ourselves? If we count the total hours, 24, and do not reserve a little bit of time for ourselves, then what is the goal and purpose of life: to be running at the wheel like other animals?

How Much Time Are We Setting Aside for Ourselves? Making Time for Yourself
Photo: stockking/Freepik

First, let us come to physical health. Most of us, due to various work pressures, fail to take proper care of our bodies. Exercise is being left out due to a lack of time in the morning. Eating out results in the accumulation of various unwanted and harmful fats in the body. We should remember that only when we take proper care of our bodies will we succeed in other things. Now, at least an hour of exercise per day could be walking, running, or even yoga. This little effort will help keep our body fit.

Now, talking of mental health, are we giving heed to our minds amidst killing pressure at work? I spent my days under stress, and anxiety is always a guest. If this stress continues regularly, it may result in a bad mental turn. Take out a bit of time daily for yourself to do or be involved in an activity that relaxes you. Meditation, meditation, and reading a good book are activities that do very well for our minds and mental health.

The other thing is introspection. We set various goals right from the beginning of life and move on. But how often have we evaluated between the goals and the present conditions? Are we on the right track? Take time for yourself, sometimes you have to think a little about your work, what is the meaning of life, and what is happiness. It may be at the end of every month or sometimes. This will boost our confidence and morale.

Again, we may not be capable of giving time to relationships. Whether we are spending the right time with our loved ones? Because of the extra pressure of work, we may not be able to spend time with family. As a matter of fact, proper relationships with loved ones also keep good mental health. Therefore, keeping proper time for yourself and giving time to your loved ones is very important.

Very important is the doing of something for your own happiness. Maybe some of us like painting; some of us like playing musical instruments or cooking. These little acts of pleasure enhance the quality of our lives. When busy, taking a small moment to enjoy the act of doing what one loves makes so much sense regarding mental health. One should try to keep some time in their daily routine for such activities.

The quality of life, and thus productivity, is increased by taking time for ourselves. Our performance, attention towards work, and productivity also increase if we meet our own needs cautiously daily. The mental and physical well-being of a worker counts highly towards increasing workers' productivity. So, giving time to yourself means increasing your performance.

Finally, it can be said that taking time for oneself is very essential amidst the current busyness. Taking time for oneself helps in improving physical, and mental health, and quality of life. You must take time out for yourself daily to get good results at work and in your personal life and take time so that you can utilize it properly. Everybody, if possible, should at least give some time every day for themselves toward the maintenance of health and keeping away from stress and other things dear to our hearts. In that direction, we can keep our life more beautiful and healthy. Balancing all life's work, responsibilities, and relationships gives a little time each day to itself; it needs not only to be imperative, but it is an investment in one's well-being. Hence, this will be an investment that will put us on the road toward a healthy, happy, and productive life in the future.

Yet another thing we often forget is getting enough rest and sleep. Fatigue influences every aspect of our lives both physically and mentally. Without good sleep, we can't start the day well and suffer from a lack of focus at work. Therefore, the restoration and recirculation of the body and mind happen by getting enough sleep and rest every day.

Another important thing to do is to find your creative side. Sometimes with work, we get so involved that our innate creative skills just go away, or we brush them off as unimportant. However, creative activity like painting, writing, playing the guitar, singing, or any other creative work brings great pleasure into life and enhance mental health, altogether.

Of course, technology and social media are to be limited too. We often spend a good deal of time on social media without realization and, in fact, it destroys our peace of mind. Sometimes even being away from the phone, laptop, or television for some time takes a toll on our mental health. Taking a break from technology and spending time with nature soothes the mind and rejuvenates our thinking.

Our diet is also very important. Consuming proper and healthy food is the basis of our body's health. If we intake too much fast food, more sweets, and oily foods, then we may remain in the grip of various physical problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain, etc. So, to take care of your body, you should give importance to healthy foods.

An important aspect is meditation and equanimity. If we meditate for some time every day, it will bring peace of mind and self-knowledge. One needs to be mentally strong, and meditation will help to bring that positive outlook towards life. The time spent in such a pleasant activity will help us to get peace of mind and happiness.

More time for self simply implies the relishing of every moment of life. But at the same time, we are pretty aware of the fact that life is very beautiful, precious, and very short, but we do not follow up on this fact practically. Thus, every moment of life should be well enjoyed.

Finally, taking time for oneself is not a luxury. It is an essential part of life. It means making time for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This is a period that affects the quality of our lives and our overall well-being. Only if each one of us can spare some time for ourselves daily and utilize this time properly shall we have a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life and be on this path of prosperity and well-being.

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