Letting Go: Who We Choose to Forget

We have different kinds of people who come and leave our lives. Some become a part of our lives; some fade as time passes. Although there are those, whom we try to forget, they have left a bad impression on us. Let us talk about these people in detail.

Letting Go: Who We Choose to Forget
Photo: jcomp/Freepik

 1. Traitors:

Betrayal by those we trust may cause immense pain, and it is better to forget people who disturb our mental peace with broken trust. When we are trying to forget them, we find new paths of hope and trust.

2. Critics:

The critics never stop pointing at our mistakes. They downplay our success and emphasize our weaknesses. Their interaction can make us lose our self-confidence. Therefore, we try to forget people like that to preserve self-belief so that we can strive for better things.

3. Negative People:

They are negative people who always look at the worst in everything. One moment spent with such people spoils our mood and brings us to despair. Forgetting them creates space for positive thoughts and love in our lives.

4. Deceivers:

Those deceivers play with our feelings, lie to us, and break our trust. The best thing is to forget them so that we keep a space open for believing people and letting the right ones into our lives.

5. Jealous People:

Those people who are jealous never like to see people happy. They envy our success and celebrate our failure. So, taking them as friends costs us our happiness and peace of mind. Hence, we forget them to maintain our happiness and peace.

6. Insulters:

This category of people harms our self-respect. They not only hamper our personal lives but degrade us time and again. Forgetting them is good because they harm our self-esteem.

7. Indifference of people:

The indifferent people are those who do not express an inch of love and care for our existence. They are always busy with themselves and never turn up when we need them. Forgetting them allows us the luxury of communicating with those who really care for us.

8. Exploiters:

They always want to exploit something from us but never want to give anything in return. Thus, relationships with such people are only maintained for their benefit. It is good to forget such people and save our energy and resources in the right places.

9: Liars:

Their lies confuse us and blur our ability to decide upon the right action. Liars complicate our lives with falsehoods. Forgetting them helps us regain the ability to access truthful information and make sound decisions.

10. Past Hurters:

Some people in our past have hurt and wronged us. Being in touch with them is like continuing to live that hurt. And thus, we try to forget them, for new dawns, new opportunities.


There are some people in our lives whom we need to forget. They disturb our mental peace and happiness. It creates new opportunities, hope, and happiness in our lives by forgetting those people. It maintains the momentum of our life and mental peace, which aids in making us successful and happy.

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