Say Goodbye to Excess Sweat with These Proven Solutions

The body will sweat in summer, it is normal. Excessive heat and humidity make us sweaty.

Many also have abnormal sweating. Regardless of the temperature. Besides, many people suffer from the problem of sweat odor. We have to be aware of this. Abnormal sweating can sometimes lead to uncomfortable situations.

Now, if a lot of sweat flows out of the body even after there is no disease present within the body, it should be understood that excess sweating is due to the abnormal activity of the glands that sweat under the influence of the nerves. The sweat can increase due to diabetes, thyroid, menopause, or even an anxiety factor.

Say Goodbye to Excess Sweat with These Proven Solutions
Photo: Freepik

Wear Cotton Clothes

Clothing is of immense importance for skin comfort during summer. Synthetic fabrics are not comfortable for the skin, and absorb more sweat; Which in turn makes you feel very uncomfortable and your armpits sweatier than usual. So wear cotton clothes, and loose apparel should be worn during this time. Then you will sweat less.

Drink Water

One should drink a lot of water during summer. Water keeps the body cool and hence prevents sweating from the body. Always carry a water bottle and drink at least three to four liters of water every day.

Fenugreek Soaked Water

Now you can even drink the water soaked in fenugreek so that excessive sweating may go away. Just soak a teaspoon of fenugreek in a glass of water overnight and the next morning get up, strain the water, and drink on an empty stomach. This will eliminate many other problems including excessive sweating.

Uses of Sandalwood

It is beneficial in many ways in skin care. Sandalwood also works to reduce the problem of excessive sweating. Take sandal paste and apply it on the part of the body where there is more sweat for half an hour. This will reduce the problem of excessive sweating.

Mix use

Take a mixture of sandalwood powder and amlaki powder, and mix it with rose water to rub on the face. Rub it well and wash it after twenty minutes.

Dietary Changes

  • Soak some raisins in water before going to sleep at night. Drink that water in the morning.
  • Avoid eating very hot food. Eat food at normal temperature.
  • If possible, eat a little more bitter and sweet foods. It will reduce sweating.
  • Avoid excessive salt and sour foods. Instead, take foods that are prepared with less oil and spices.

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