The Special Ones: How Hobby Women and Men Influence Our Lives

What we have in that cabinet are special things, not for every day, but for certain occasions; on the other hand, we usually forget what is more valuable: the things we use every day. All our care and attention flow towards those special kept ones. The same thing applies to a "special person" in our lives, that particular someone whom alone we have grown so enchanted with. That smile of theirs, with the sweet utterance that comes out of their mouths, captures our inner conscious heart. For this person, we are always ready to do anything.

The Special Ones: How Hobby Women and Men Influence Our Lives
Photo: prostooleh/Freepik

But when someone special comes to realize that we literally do anything for them, then he realizes his price. Confidence comes into him, and he feels like a king. Then he starts raising small demands, and those demands increase gradually. We try to make him happy by doing all those useless silly things, but does he ever think about our happiness? That thing never comes to us.

Love isn't about giving and taking; it's when one just takes and the other just gives. I saw people who gave their all to their boyfriend or girlfriend and got nothing in return. Boys and girls did a lot for that special someone; normally, these people cannot give anything in return.

It's essential to give all for the person you love, but that love should be mutual on both sides. If you are readily willing to jump into the water for them, then they at least should be ready to take a single step toward you. Otherwise, better stop there. The greatest give and take occurs in areas of care and priority.

We need to realize who is exploring us and who cares for us. If you are a special person to someone, then just think about yourself. Are you only exploiting them? What about the person who gives you so much importance—how much do you care for him? If not, don't you feel at least a little ashamed to exploit?

I don't know who started the idea of a special person, but actually, we are unaware of the damage it is causing in society. Being infatuated is somehow related to a special person, and sapiosexuality is kind of connected to that very thing, which shall be discussed later.

Not every man knows love, but definitely, whoever does, considers his daughter as the most precious woman in his life. Indeed, even the most rugged men develop traits of tenderness under the influence of their special woman. To watch such scenes of this dominance or pure affection is quite a heartwarming view.

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