Unveil 5 Mysterious Facts You Didn’t Know About

It's a part of science itself! And these psychologists keep researching the human mind and mentality all the time.

Unveil 5 Mysterious Facts You Didn’t Know About
Photo: creativeart/Freepik

So today, in this episode, I will share five amazing psychology facts.

1. Role of music

There aren't many who don't love music, but did you know that the kind of music you listen to actually determines your mood?

Maybe you will have realized that when one is listening to a sad song, it brings back sad memories from the past. And if you listen to a dancing song, the urge is to dance.

I give an example, and it shall make things more clear—now if I tell you that watermelon is a fruit, you won't think about it; if you are reading then surely the image of this watermelon has already come into your head?

And that is because your brain contains memories of this fruit! And whenever you hear about this fruit, the image of this fruit comes to your mind.

2. Fake Smart

When somebody starts talking legalistically, pull the topic before you finish! Act like he knows it all and thinks he is so smart then you shut up.

If you happen to fall among such people, then change yourself today! Because according to psychologists who are in actuality, very intelligent people back their knowledge can never be satisfied.

They are busy updating themselves every second every moment! He listens well to others and then comments.

Dolailama said- when you talk you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen you may learn something

That is, when you talk, you only talk about what you know! But if you listen, you'll learn a lot.

3. Power of Silence

Sometimes it happens to you that you have met someone new and you don't know what to say to him!?

Now, in such a situation, ask the person in front of you a question! And look at him even after he has finished answering.

You will see that the person will say something to break the silence! And this Power of Silence has many other roles. Which I will tell you in another article one day.

4. Playing Talk

Want to impress someone? Then talk about something or discuss a topic he is really enthusiastic about.

Suppose he likes hearing about space science; then ask him to learn something about that very subject.

Maybe you already know a lot about this subject and yet act like you know a lot less about it! Then you will see that he will start talking to you very freely. And will slowly start liking you.

5. People by their Name

Psychologists say that everyone likes to hear their own name! You perhaps would have already noticed that you become very happy when someone remembers your name and keeps calling you by your name continuously. 

Again when somebody forgets your name! Then you feel very bad, and you feel humiliated in yourself? That's why started using somebody's name when talking to them from today.

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