What Are Your Summer Dreams?

Summer! The very word rings of sunshine and sultry nights and endless possibility. But as the days out and the temperature rises, it's also a journey on which you must take time out and ask yourself: what were your summer dreams?

What Are Your Summer Dreams?
Photo: Freepik

Even though it may appear to be a quite easy season, one for relaxation and in many ways, carefree fun, summer is the season of growth and discovery. Here are some prompts for you to think about your summer aspirations:

  • Adventure Awaits: Want to conquer a new mountain peak, backpack across a foreign country, or find out once and for all if you can surf? Well, summer is here to break out of your comfort zone and experience an adventure worthy of memory.
  • Refresh and Replenish: Your summer dream may be no more complicated than this: long, lazy days peppered by reading a good book in a hammock, evenings of laughter with friends around a bonfire, or reunions with loved ones whom you haven't seen in quite a while. Do what pleases and soothes you.
  • Learn and Grow: Has there been something new you wanted to build, perhaps playing an instrument taking some photography courses, or maybe finally mastering that foreign language app? Summer break is the best time to wholly pursue personal growth.
  • Give Back: Summer can be a season of giving, too. Is there something you've always thought about doing, like volunteering at one of your local charities, helping at an animal shelter, or planting a community garden? Reach out and give back to your community for a change you can finally begin to see.

Here are some tips to turn your summer dreams into reality:

  • Set SMART Goals: Follow your wild dreams by turning them into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound ones. You will have to break down the higher goals into small, realizable steps.
  • Plan and Budget: Do some research on your adventure, make an itinerary, and draw a budget for it. In such a case, where your dream involves saving, create a budget and find how you will meet your financial aim.
  • Find Your Tribe: Whether it is a travel buddy for the adventure or a group to learn a new skill with, sharing summer dreams—having persons who have the same summer dreams—can all the more make it special.
  • Embrace Spontaneity: Leave room for improvisation! So many Charmed summer memories are made in the spur of the moment.

Remember, summer dreams belong to you. Big or small, chase after them. Make this summer unforgettable!

What are some of your summer dreams? Let me know in the comments!

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