You Have to Fulfill Your Own Goals

Seven months of the year are gone, but whoever uses the remaining few months intelligently shall start the coming year with fulfillment.

Get it out of your head how many months have passed this year. One month is enough to save a whole year.

And one week is enough to salvage a month. One day is enough to salvage a week. One hour is enough to salvage another day.

I made my 2023 year the best, all because of one month of hard work. There are just a few months left in this year, and whatever I say, you must obey me for these few months.

Then next January you will see how far you have come in the last year. Today, I'm going to share with you 10 rules, most of which you may not be familiar with.

And every word said here I have tested in my life. But first, I want you to carefully read the following points:.

Now, if you lock yourself in a room, the door of success will be opened in front of you from afar, InshAllah!

You only need to disappear for a few months. You become selfish for a while. And after success, you become everyone. Nobody will go anywhere! Everything will be here. You just become powerful. People will automatically connect with you.

You Have to Fulfill Your Own Goals
Photo: KamranAydinov


Nothing happens fast! Before the rush and the motivation to rush, nothing can be done with these two.

Every man has passion, and every man has dreams. But what should you do? You make your body stronger.

I have a question for you guys reading this page! How much work do you do on your body?

When many people talk about going to the gym, many people say one thing to them! What does that do? I want to tell them


Raise the testosterone levels in your body. And going to the gym isn't just about building a body. Instead of increasing the testosterone in your body.

And with the hike in testosterone in your body, you will be overflowing with energy. You must have been told many times the answer to questions like how you can keep motivated, and how you can keep energized.

The reason why most people can't stay doing the same thing for a long time is that their brains lack the energy.

If you want to go for a road of 1000 km, you can't get fuel for 500 km. No matter how hard you try, no matter how much intelligence you apply, only oil can do the work of oil.

A big reason due to which we can't focus and we're weak is our body. And doing gym is very beneficial for our brain.

If you want to go far in life, then lots of energy is needed. So, the body needs to be strengthened to use your brain. Brain lying inside the body. In case you have power, you can work happily. Otherwise, you will require motivation to work for an hour.

But here you have to remember one thing, just building a body like Hulk is of no use. Rather, you have to have a brain like Tonister to kill Thanas. Here Thanas means your bad time.


'man mentality' If you are over 18 years of age, stop thinking of yourself as a boy.

Stop acting like a child. Talk to people, act like you are 40 years old.

People will not evaluate you based on your age; they will judge you by your wit. If a 50-year-old man is behaving childishly, then nobody will show respect towards him.

On the other hand, even at the age of 23 years, a boy can teach others. And make yourself mentally strong.

The identity of a positive person is that he will never be afraid. Whatever challenge one faces. And those people who have a lot of confidence, who are not afraid, are loved by all.

Today's world is a world of brave people. There is one brave person out of 100 people. And that one person controls the other 99 people.


Quarrel not at all! Cease to dispute with others. You are not the type to easily make friends, and neither is one the type to become an enemy.

Cease to think that everybody deserves to be in your life. If any person's name comes into your Wikipedia story, a Wikipedia page shall be created for that person.

So don't make enemies! Learn to work smarter. And drive the person in front crazy laughing. That is, keep yourself calm by talking as little as possible.

And mute your WhatsApp. Turn off all notifications of time-wasting apps. Because as I told you before, to follow all these rules you have to disappear.

Bad people will talk to you, and in the process, they will want you to do their work. Learn to ignore their calls. Learn to tell people, "Say only when you have work to do; otherwise, I'll talk later."

And no matter how expensive or famous the person in front of you is, you don't talk until you need to.

It does not say ego! If one thinks it is ego, he has to change his mind.


The more people you are, the more difficulties you will have. You don't work because of what somebody has told you, somebody told you something and you gave a history on WhatsApp—Success is the biggest revenge in life, and you start working hard. Why bother to answer to others? Why didn't you bother before?

Stop working to answer other people. You don't need to be happy when someone is jealous of you. And there is no need to consider it a success.

Actually, all the posts which come on social media, ignore them. Cheating someone is not your success at all.

Rather, success is the name of making the person inside your mind happy. So always listen to your mind.


Why are you listening to what people are saying. Always try to listen to what your mind is saying. I listing the mind so created pocobd today.

And if I listen to the people, may be I am working for some other person today.


Share about your personal life only with your family and your Rob. If you must cry, cry to God.

So if you want anything, then ask your Lord. And this I can guarantee you, in case you cry to your Lord and then ask for help, then if you don't feel the motivation inside you, then you can come and say whatever you want in the comments.

And in case you don't believe in God, then for you, rule number 8-


Now, drain out all the fillings from inside of you. Tell outsiders only about work. And if you really need to say something to lighten your mind, then stand in front of the mirror and talk to yourself.

And you can also talk to the camera. And you can record it and listen to it. Stop telling other people about your pain. Other people have no interest in your words.

One should remember that what is going on in your life is none of other people's business.


Listen to the feelings of the other person while claiming your own feelings. Hide your own fillings inside the pocket. Otherwise, people will empty your pockets.

So instead, you see where this guy in front is weak, what the problem is. Try helping him. And it should be a character ladder.

If your loved ones don't think you're an idiot when they see you benefiting somebody else, or working with somebody else, then know that you're not doing anything great.

You are not taking any life rex. Learn to make people depend on you. So that they cannot go on without you. Then you will see how they will do all your work.

Lastly, if you think that you have learnt something from here, then don't forget to comment in the comment box.

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