9 Signs of Low Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence refers to the level of perception, comprehension, and management of one's emotions and those of others. Its role in both personal and professional life is very significant. The quality of relationships, decision-making, and success in many aspects are impacted by this ability. Most of the time, low emotional intelligence people unknowingly interact with others around them, and this interaction often hurts others for a long time. Details of these behaviors are part of today's article.

9 Signs of Low Emotional Intelligence
Photo: Demeter Attila/Pexels

Behavior 1: Lack of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the root of all emotional intelligence. A person low in emotional intelligence is almost invariably massively deficient in self-awareness, especially regarding the effects their actions and words are having on the world around them. This can result in miscommunications, arguments, and bad choices.

People with a low EQ are often hard of hearing

Behavior 2: Not being able to hear

One of the major components of communication and high emotional intelligence is listening. People who have low EQ will, in most cases, listen less, interrupt others while talking or listening, or not give any attentive listening. Or it might be that they are more caught up with their thoughts. Doing this, the other person does not get properly heard, and that may make him feel useless. That can be very detrimental to personal and professional relationships.

Behavior 3: Low empathy

Empathy is the capacity of an individual to share and understand feelings. Individuals with low emotional intelligence can barely put themselves in another person's shoes, and hence find it hard to realize any situation from that person's perception. This lack of empathy creates insensitivity and misunderstanding. It makes it very hard to maintain relations with others and quite difficult to form new relationships. Professional arrogance has negative impacts that are brought about by a lack of empathy thus allowing no teamwork and cooperation between professionals.

Behavior 4: Lack of self-control

Self-control is the state of being in a position where a person has control over his or her emotions and mind to do the correct and appropriate thing. A person who has low emotional intelligence has less mental control. Such a person will keep on changing moods and is incapable of controlling mood reactions. The person's personal and professional life is impacted by emotional decision-making.

Individuals with low emotional intelligence blame others for mistakes rather than looking at their involvement in the failure.

Behavior 5: Blame others

Responsibility is about readiness to make decisions and to take responsibility for any task. People who have low emotional intelligence blame others when things go wrong instead of looking at their involvement in t. This kind of behavior destroys mutual trust, damages relations, and creates a poisonous atmosphere.

Behavior 6: Hesitation to accept feedback

Discussion and constructive criticism are essential steps toward personal and professional development. Individuals with low emotional intelligence usually do not prefer to take feedback. They defend themselves by avoiding or disowning the discussion at that time. They show a negative reaction to someone criticizing or suggesting improvements in front of them. This attitude in behavior will prevent the above-discussed person from adapting to all situations and reduce their chances of success.

Behavior 7: Lack of adaptability

Adaptability is the ability or capability to change of mind or line of conduct as a response to new information or situations. Reduced ease of adaptation towards new relationships, new ideas, or perspectives by an individual indicates less emotional stability.

Any conflict will be solved if both parties speak freely with each other, communicate, and listen actively to come to a holistic solution.

Behavior 8: Inability to handle conflicts

Any conflict is resolved when people speak openly, talk to each other, listen to them properly, and offer a solution as a whole. Less intelligent people will use techniques of avoidance, aggressive behavior or manipulation rather than directly or constructively discussing such problems. Unresolved conflicts personally and professionally will damage the relationships.

Behavior 9: Sensitivity to social cues

Social awareness refers to the ability to recognize and interpret social cues. For example, body posture, language, voice, and facial expressions. People who have a low degree of emotional intelligence often misinterpret these signals. This behavior can damage his relationships with others.

First comes recognizing these nine behaviors that are relational to low emotional intelligence. Improvement in self-awareness, active listening, cultivation of empathy, and emotional regulation will raise one's emotional intelligence and shape positive, supportive connections with others.

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