7 Compelling Reasons to Reconsider Using Password Manager Browser Extensions

Password manager browser extensions have been at the forefront of upholding safety and privacy on the Internet. A password manager saves, manages, and auto-fills a user's password on websites, saving time and, on the other hand, making it more convenient for users.

Now, behind all these benefits lurk some risks that many people are not aware of. I will mainly discuss this topic in today's tune. Let's look at the reasons why you should avoid using Password Manager Browser Extension.

7 Compelling Reasons to Reconsider Using Password Manager Browser Extensions
Photo: macrovector/Freepik

1. Extensions are Browser-Dependent

Extensions are, hence, browser-dependent.

Since password manager extensions are designed to connect with certain browsers, there is some repercussions on their usability. For instance, if you have been using an extension in one browser and suddenly switch to another browser, it won't work there.

In this case, you struggle to transfer all your saved passwords and data into the new browser. Moreover, downloading different extensions in each browser and maintaining them is irritating and consumes much of your time. Thus, in this regard, password manager extensions can hassle you when using multiple browsers.

2. These Increase the Possibility of Phishing

These increase the possibility of phishing

Password manager extensions can be risky for phishing attacks. While usually, the attackers of phishing attacks give bait to users to direct them to fake websites, password manager extensions can autofill the password. If a user mistakenly logs into that fake website and the extension auto-fills the password there, it is easily stolen.

Also, some extensions may be infected with phishing malware as a result of weak security systems and it increases the possibility of leaking users' personal information. For this reason, storing any password using a password manager extension can be dangerous.

3. Extensions Can Affect Browser Performance

Extensions can affect browser performance

Browser performance can sometimes be affected by browser extensions, and this will show much after the installation of the Password Manager extension when several of these extensions are in use. In such a case, it slows down, and users will experience it much with common issues such as increased browser load time, delayed page rendering, and reduced browsing experience.

Apart from that, some extensions consume a lot of memory and processing power. This can cause drag on the overall performance of the computer. This inconvenienced the user and slowed down work. Therefore, great caution should be used with extensions to maintain the performance of the browser.

4. Extensions Do Not Work Offline

One thing is that extensions do not work offline.

The major problem associated with a password manager extension is that it can't work offline. You can't have access to your saved passwords or any kind of information without an internet connection. This especially can be a hassle when you use your device without an Internet connection, and you need to collect your passwords for other tasks.

For this reason, you can use any other method to access passwords anytime offline or to save passwords.

5. The User Experience of Password Managers Is Not Good

The user experience of password managers is not good

Many password manager extensions fail to provide a proper user experience for their users. The interface of some extensions can be complex, whereby it's hard to use, especially for less technological people.

Also, the various bugs and errors of the extensions can irritate the users at the time of filling in the password. Sometimes these extensions do not work properly and delay the login process which can be a waste of time and a hassle to many.

6. These Are Not Good For Privacy

They are not good for privacy

Password manager extensions probably remain among the greatest enemies of the privacy of their users. A great many extensions collect user data and may further share it with other parties, boosting the risks that personal information will get misused.

Also, some security bugs in extensions make it easier for hackers to gain access to sensitive information. If the storage or management of user passwords, personal data, and browsing history is insecure, then serious privacy risks can arise. To safeguard from such security breaches, users have to be very cautious while using any password manager.

7. Extensions Do Not Work On Mobile Phones

It is also a drawback that extensions do not work on mobile phones.

Most password manager extensions are specifically made for desktop browsers and will not function on mobile browsers. To many people, this is a huge inconvenience since the bulk of users do their browsing or any other online work on phones. Lacking an extension on mobile devices, users have to resort to separate apps or manual methods, which could be pretty time-consuming and a hassle.

Therefore, desktop and mobile data sync may also become a problem. Hence, for people who are dependent on mobile browsing, password manager extensions are really not practical.

Though password manager browser extensions may seem to be convenient and time-saving at a glance. However, using them involves some pitfalls. Some of these issues include browser dependence, phishing risk, lack of performance and privacy issues and not working on mobile devices.

Keeping these issues in mind, alternative password management systems should be found to ensure cyber security and privacy.

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